!!!! People Before Profits !!!!
Mayor of Mississauga
Your Financial Donations are Greatly Appreciated.
and necessary to make the difference needed!
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McCallion's are developers
Hazel an unlawful one.
Not what being revealed in the Mississauga Inquiry - BETTER!
Remember what you are seeing is just the tip of the ice burg - likely lots more to totally sink
the Mayor and how much of Mississauga will she take with her?
McCallion's as developers
their friends in business, an interesting subject in its self.
That subject is below.
Points to note (so far): - This is the same property that Hazel McCallion was taken to court over only a few years before regarding her improper conduct - Conflict of Interest. Her business dealings are not open and highly questionable. - Hazel McCallion lists herself as President of 675352 Ontario Limited, for an elected official to do so and after what has just happened regarding the same property, some would say that is very arrogant of her. - There is no evidence so far that the land was properly or legally put into a trust with Willson McTavish. - It is interesting that 675352 Ontario Limited is not listed on the subdivision application documents. It is also very clear the Mayor of Mississauga is making every effort to hide (things she had knowledge of), her name and her family's business dealings as a developers making the subdivision application, that the land was now owned by numbered company that the McCallion's were directors of and the "In Trust" was theirs. - John D. Rogers & Associates are the consultants for Hazel McCallion and family regarding this subdivision application. They did not declare who the true owner was. - When this matter did come before Mississauga City and Peel Councils, Hazel McCallion did declare a Conflict of Interest BUT never noted that it was because of her and her family's were in fact the developers. The same reason was given for both her and her neighbour's property. - Hazel McCallion made a point of getting an approved subdivision application before selling the property to maximize the profit. It was sold to Tradmore, a company with a few non-Canadians (Paris) Directors listed. - Other elements of this matter are still need to explored and explained.
"I therefore find that the respondent has contravened s. 2(1) of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act." Although a breach of any one of these proscriptions constitutes a contravention of s. 2(1), & We agree with the trial judge that Mayor McCallion should be required to pay the costs of the hearing before him. This all occurred regarding land she called home and that went from being in the last zone of |
Here is a map of where the McCallion homestead (centre) and where her Subdivision Application was - 1560 Britannia Rd. W. ![]() Note the "in trust" and McCallion name no where to be seen. |
The numbered company used in the deal with this was 675352 Ontario Limited. ![]() How nice to see Hazel McCallion's name listed as President. |
Here is the land transfer / Deed with 675352 Ontario Limited on it with the location of the land and Hazel signature - can you ask for more? ![]() Yes and it is next! |
While we are going down memory lane let look at another example of Hazel idea of running Mississauga for fun and profit. Hope the reader will understand that the Mississauga Inquiry did not find the only example of the McCallion's wrongly using their power and position to make money at Mississauga's expense - there are many and from day one to now! ![]() ![]() In the same year as Mississauga was born the McCallions and the Randles created a company to profit greatly in the boom town that Mississauga would be, by among other things - "connect or subdivide real estate properties". What is really interesting is that Randles sat on the Mississauga Committee of Adjustment that controls changes in land zoning, etc. More about Randles here. |
To leave you with one last item - food for thought. When the McCallion's went to Streetsville to start up their new lives after working many years for others, they set up a printing company that would play a key role in Hazel's political career and her newspaper the Booster. Guess who they bought the land from? ![]() Yes - Ship & Son Limited and if don't know how close they are to the McCallion's then you are really out of touch. |